You start it -- I perfect it.
Tracy Silverman Weissman, J.D.
Founder and Editor
I founded Weissman Legal Editing, LLC after spending a 25-year professional career honing my legal editing and proofreading skills. I got my start editing legal articles as Executive Editor of the Michigan Law Review while attending law school at the University of Michigan. After graduating in 1992, I practiced health care law at the Detroit firm of Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP, where I was elected a partner. In my practice, I regularly edited associate attorneys’ legal work and served for two years as editor of the firm’s health law newsletter. I then headed the health care transactional practice at a small firm. I continued there to develop my expertise, editing content for the firm’s website and newsletter.
I left the practice of law in 2002 and went into academia full time, first teaching legal writing and health care law at Ave Maria School of Law and then teaching legal writing, health care law, and law practice simulation courses at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. During my academic career, I edited and provided written feedback on hundreds of student papers, including legal memoranda, client advice letters, district court and appellate court briefs, pleadings, contracts, and law review notes.
Colleagues recognized my talent for editing and proofreading, regularly asking me to edit legal writing hypotheticals and classroom handouts they had created. In 2010, I was asked to serve as the editor of UDM’s American Bar Association reaccreditation self-study, a several-hundred page document assessing all aspects of the school’s operations. The self-study, drafted initially by many different people, required significant edits to turn it into a clear, concise work product containing one cohesive voice.
Most recently, I took a break from the legal world to edit website content and oversee youth educational programming for the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan.
J.D., University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, MI, Dec. 1992
Cum laude graduate
Executive Editor, Michigan Law Review
B.A., Columbia College, Columbia University, New York, NY, 1990
Magna cum laude graduate
Phi Beta Kappa
Major: Economics
Professional Memberships
Legal Writing Institute
State Bar of Michigan, Health Care Law and Business Law Sections
American Health Lawyers Association
American Bar Association, Health Law Section